This section contains odd tips which various organisers have found to be useful.
i.- Make provision for delegates arriving late. Trains and planes are sometimes delayed! If people arrive late, can they gain access to their accommodation? This can sometimes be a problem with student hostels especially.
ii.- The more local people, particularly graduate students, who are around to help participants, the better. They can be distinguished by having a differently coloured badge. In particular, it is advisable to have at least one such person who is familiar with the technical aspects of any visual aids and microphones. In any lecture theatre where a session is in progress, there should be a member of the local committe present in addition to a technician. Ensure that the theatres are unlocked well ahead of a session commencing.
iii.- Local organisers should check very carefully for themselves that all necessary audio-visual aids are working properly: do not trust technical personnel to have done this. Check the placing of projectors and screens for good clear views. This is especially important if the conference is not being held in the organiser's own Physics theatres. Always have a spare overhead projector in each lecture theatre. If radio microphones are to be used, then make sure that they are in good working order: intermittent faults are very common. These are irritating to the audience and upset the speaker's nerves!
iv.- The Conference Dinner. The General Assembly has expressed the view that this should be informal and reasonably inexpensive, to encourage young people to come. After the dinner, there is sometimes a sing-song session, and this should be taken into account in the planning. Sometimes the venue for the dinner is some distance from the conference site. In this case make sure that you have adequate transport available for everyone.