2008, Graz (EGAS 40)

P. Barker
"Manipulating cold molecular gases with intense optical fields"(progress report)
UC London

U. Becker
"Multi-photon ionization and excitation oft the rare gases by Free Electron Laser radiation"(progress report)
Fritz-Haber-Institut der MPG, Berlin

Ch. Blondel
"Photodetachement microscopy in a magnetic field"(invited)
LAC Orsay

P.B. Corkum
"Laser Induced - Tunneling Electron Diffraction and Molecular Orbital Imaging"(invited)
NRC Canada, Ottawa

J. Crespo
"Soft X-Ray Laser Spectroscopy on Trapped Highly Charged Ions at FLASH"(progress report)
MPI f. Kernphysik Heidelberg

R.F. Curl jr.
"A Brief History of Elemental Carbon"(invening talk)
Rice Univ. (Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1996)

S. Haroche
"Non-demolition photon counting and field quantum state reconstruction in a cavity: a new way to look at light"(invited)
College de France, Paris

J. Hecker-Denschlag
"Ultracold deeply-bound Rb2 molecules"(progress report)

R. Kienberger
"Attosecond spectroscopy in atoms and condensed matter"(progress report)
MPI f. Quantenoptik, Garching

J. Kluge
"Precision Experiments with Heavy Ions"(invited)
GSI Darmstadt

M. Knoop
"1 2 3 Photons for Trapped Ion Spectroscopy"(progress report)
CNRS Marseille

J. Mauritsson
"Above Around and Below Threshold Ionization using Attosecond Pulses"(progress report)

M. Quack
"Theory and Spectroscopy of Parity Violation in Chiral Molecules "(invited)
ETH Zürich

M. Richter
"Non-linear Photoionization in the Soft X-ray Regime"(progress report)
PTB Berlin

F. Riehle
"Optical Atomic Clocks at the Frontiers of Metrology"(invited)
PTB Braunschweig

J. Schmiedmayer
"AtomChips: Integrated circuits for matter waves"(invited)
TU Vienna

A. Scrinzi
"Few-electron dynamics in the interaction with strong fields"(invited)
TU Vienna

M. Scully
"Generation of Short Wavelength Radiation via Coherent HyperRaman Superradiance"(invited)
Princeton University & Texas A&M U.

V.L. Sukhorukov
"Resonances in Rare Gas Atoms: Many-Electron Theory and Experiment"(progress report)
Rostov State Univ.

G. Tino
"Cold Atom Interferometry for Gravitational Experiments"(invited)

A. Weis
"Alkali Atoms Dimers Exciplexes and Clusters in 4He Crystals"(invited)

R. Wester
"Molecular Reaction Dynamics at Low Energies"(progress report)