Fritz Aumayr
Institute for Applied Phyiscs, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Highly charged ion interactions with graphene and other 2D materials (Plenary Lecture)
Marica Branchesi
LIGO/Virgo Collaboration - GSSI, L'Aquila, Italy
From Gravitational-Waves to the Heavy Elements Production in the Universe (Plenary Lecture)
Antoine Browaeys
Institut d'Optique, Paris, France
Quantum simulations with Rydberg atoms (Plenary Lecture)
Eric A. Cornell
JILA/NIST, Boulder-Colorado, USA
Fundamental physics from electron electric dipole moments (Plenary Lecture)
Nirit Dudovich
Weizman Institute, Israel
Attosecond interferometry (Plenary Lecture)
Theodor W. Hänsch
LMU University of Munich and at the Max-Planck Institute of Quantum Optics in Garching, Germany
Towards a solution of the proton radius puzzle (Plenary Lecture)
Robert Moshammer
Max Planck Institut für Kernphysik Heidelberg, Germany
AMO experiments with the reaction microscope at FLASH (Plenary Lecture)
Jelena Vuckovic
Stanford University, USA
Connecting quatum systems though optimazed photonics (Plenary Lecture)
Peter Zoller
Institute for Theoretical Physics, University Innsbruck, Austria
Programmable Quantum simulators with atoms (Plenary Lecture)
Philipp Haslinger
Winner of the Young Scientist Prize
Institute of Atomic and Subatomic Physics Technische Universität Wien, Austria
Probing the forces of gravity, blackbody radiation and dark energy with matter waves (Plenary Lecture)
Ferenc Krausz
Winner of Letokhov Award
Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, Garching, Germany
Attosecond science: from basic research to cancer detection (Plenary Lecture)
Manuel Alcami
Chemistry Dept., Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Theory of charged and functionalized fullerenes (Invited talk)
Lars Andersen
Dept. Physics, Aarhus University, Denmark
Photophysics of Bio-Chromophores (Invited talk)
Lorenzo Avaldi
CNR - ISM, Roma, Italy
Insights in the fragmentation of glycine by synchrotron radiation and ultrafast pump-probe experiments. Insights in the fragmentation of glycine by synchrotron radiation (Invited talk)
Victor Balykin
Institute of Spectroscopy RAS, Moscow, Russia
Plasmonic nanolaser and applications (Invited talk)
Dieter Bauer
Institute for Physics, University Rostock, Germany
Strong-field Iaser physics in topological condensed matter (Invited talk)
Marco Bellini
INO-CNR, Firenze, Italy
Entanglement by delocalized single photon addition (Invited talk)
Valerie Blanchet
Celia Bordeaux, France
Temporal aspect of chirality: a photoionisation study from the femtosecond to the attosecond scale (Invited talk)
Konstantin Bliokh
Australian National Univeristy, Canberra, Australia
Electron waves carrying orbital angular momentum (Invited talk)
Dmitry Budker
Uni-Mainz, Germany
Magnetometry and Fundamental Physics (Invited talk)
Iacopo Carusotto
Univ Trento, INO CNR BEC, Italy
Quantum Fluids of Light (Invited talk)
Laura Cattaneo
Dept. Physics, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Attosecond photoionization dynamics in molecules (Invited talk)
Patrick Cheinet
Laboratoire Aimé Cotton, CNRS, University Paris-Sud, ENS Paris-Saclay, France
Towards optical manipulation of Ytterbium Rydberg atoms: a study of auto-ionization (Invited talk)
Rebeca De Nalda
Institute for Chemical Physics, CSIC, Madrid, Spain
Laser control of molecular processes (Invited talk)
Stefan Donsa
Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien), Austria
Observing the time domain build-up and spectral phase of Fano resonances (Invited talk)
Danielle Dowek
Institut des Sciences Moléculaires d’Orsay (CNRS-Paris-Saclay), France
Molecular frame photoemission: from synchrotron radiation to attosecond pulses (Invited talk)
Stefan Eriksson
Swansea University, UK
Spectroscopy of antihydrogen (Invited talk)
Shirin Faraji
University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Excited-state processes and quantum effects in biological systems (Invited talk)
Francesca Ferlaino
University Innsbruck, Austria
The quantum phases of ultracold dipolar gases near a Roton excitation (Invited talk)
Mathieu Gisselbrecht
CNRS Researcher on secondment Division of Synchrotron Radiation Research, Sweden
Time-frequency representation of autoionization wavepackets (Invited talk)
Eletherios Goulielmakis
MPQ, Garching, Germany, Germany
Can visible light ‘see’ electrons? (Invited talk)
Jürgen Hauer
Dept. Chemistry, TU Munich Germany
3rd and 5th order electronic two-dimensional spectroscopy of excitonic systems (Invited talk)
Till Jahnke
Institut für Kernphysik, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Germany
Molecular Movies made with Synchrotrons (Invited talk)
Selim Jochim
Uni-Heidelberg, Germany
Correlations and entanglement in strongly interacting systems (Invited talk)
Michael Koehl
University of Bonn, Germany
Higgs mode in a strongly interacting fermionic superfluid (Invited talk)
Nicolai Kolachevsky
Lebedev Institute, Moscow, Rusia and MPQ, Garching Germany
Inner-shell clock transition in atomic thulium with small BBR shift (Invited talk)
Andrey Kolovsky
Kirensky Institute of Physics, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Synthetic fields and conductivity with cold Fermi and Bose atoms (Invited talk)
Michael Krueger
Weizmann Institute of Science, Attosecond Science Group, Israel
Strong-field physics at nanotips (Invited talk)
Fabian Lackner
Institute for Theoretical Physics, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Two-particle Reduced Density Matrices (Invited talk)
Eva Lindroth
Dept. Physics, Stockholm University, Sweden
Attosecond delays in photoemission (Invited talk)
Yuri Litvinov
GSI Darmstadt, Germany
Combining atomic and nuclear physics in ion storage rings (Invited talk)
Lara Martínez-Fernandez
Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain
Molecular mechanism of UV-induced processes in DNA (Invited talk)
Edvardas Narevicius
Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Quantum State Controlled Ultracold Chemistry (Invited talk)
Wilfried Nörtershäuser
TU Darmstadt, Germany
Laser spectroscopy of H-like and Li-like Bismuth 209Bi80+,82+ and the hyperfine puzzle of strong-field QED (Invited talk)
Vitaliy D. Ovsiannikov
Voronezh State University, Russia
Precision spectroscopy of ultracold Rydberg atoms (Invited talk)
Krysztof Pachucki
Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Warsaw, Poland
Quantum electrodynamics of light atoms and molecules (Invited talk)
Alicia Palacios
Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain
Attosecond coupled electron and nuclear dynamics in molecular hydrogen photoionization (Invited talk)
Enrico Perfetto
CNR-ISM, Rome, Italy
First-principles nonequilibrium Green’s function approach for electron dynamics in light-driven molecular systems (Invited talk)
Maria Novella Piancastelli
Uppsala University, Sweden
Hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and dynamics of atoms and molecules (Invited talk)
Ernst Rasel
Un. Hannover, Germany
Atom-Chip Fountain Gravimeter (Invited talk)
Evelyne Roueff
LERMA – Paris Observatory, France
Astrophysics in the laboratory (Invited talk)
Krzysztof Sacha
Jagiellonian Univ., Krakow, Poland
Time crystals (Invited talk)
Maria Sanz
King's College London, UK
Conformations and interactions of biomolecules and their complexes by broadband rotational spectroscopy (Invited talk)
Ben Sauer
Imperial College London, UK
Laser cooling molecules and the electron EDM (Invited talk)
Henning Schmidt
Dept. Physics, Stockholm University, Sweden
Negative ion storage-ring experiments at DESIREE: relaxation,lifetimes and reactions (Invited talk)
Florian Schreck
University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Towards a continuous atom laser and ultracold RbSr: steady-stateultracold Sr with unity phase-space density & Rb-Sr magnetic Feshbach resonances (Invited talk)
Fabio Sciarrino
Sapienza, Roma, Italy
Quantum Simulations with Bosons (Invited talk)
Roberta Sessoli
Università degli studi Firenze, Italy
Magnetic molecules for quantum information (Invited talk)
Alice Sinatra
ENS, Paris, France
Spin squeezing of bosonic atoms in an optical lattice (Invited talk)
Costanza Toninelli
Università degli studi Firenze, Italy
Integrated Single Photon Sources (Invited talk)
Katalin Varju
ELI, Hungary
Instruments and science at ELI-ALPS (Invited talk)